Wharton@Work Newsletter
Monthly Newsletter for Wharton Executive Education
I have been responsible for many redesigns of Wharton@Work since its inception in 2001. Each month the newsletter is sent to over 80,000 subscribers and generates over a million dollars in revenue annually. The current website design was launched in May 2014. With each redesign, I have made design decisions based on website analytic results plus usability and SEO best practices.
The mobile-first email version incorporates responsive design best practices. The email version was redesigned in 2020 to take advantage of Marketo’s (marketing automation system) modular responsive features.
Scroll down to view proposed wireframes for the future redesign.
- W@W Newsletter email
- W@W Website Main Page
- W@W Article Page
Proposed Wireframes for Redesign
Below are wireframes of a proposed redesign that would give Wharton@Work a modern blog layout and allow for great flexiblity in posting artles. The newsletter would no longer be issue based so articles could be posted as soon as they were ready.
Click to download the PowerPoint presentation.
Presentation on proposed redesign
(1.8 MB PDF Download)
Click on each thumbnail below to view the wireframe at a larger size.
- Proposed Main Page Wireframe
- Proposed Article Wireframe